Migration becoming more common and universal. I asked myself what I would take if I intend to move , I scattered my collection and I attempt to describe the ornaments in different colors, shapes and postures, which also represent me in different status.
My joys and sorrows, my emotional variation, were changed little by little because of my movement form another culture and landscape from unfamiliar to familiar.
Since many years the ornaments in traditional Iranian architecture inspired me. The ornament in the oriental world is meant to define space, to make space visible.
The ornaments catch the light and transform it into an image, everything that comes from above will return to the sky. These surfaces led me to the inscriptions, which I found on many surfaces and out of different materials.
Trying also to superimpose thoughts surrounding the form of the ornaments upon a consideration of the materiality of paper and ink in order to explore the shifting nature of thought. Landscapes are a way for me to explore my identity. Patterns, rhythms and colour help me to make sense of my world.
I will continue to create this new space for my ornaments to represent the interaction of memory and space and the process of integration. In fact, It’s about the experience of seeing and repeatedly feeling a thrill looking at the world around me.
Imagining new possibilities within a deceptively simple format. In each pattern we might see the surface of the two different landscapes, or ochre color of sand in my hometown, or the blue sky without pollution, or the greenness of environment, or the view from a train window, and so on and so on. There’s something new and hidden in each combination of shapes, calling to the viewer to find and free it.